The Frequent Heartburn Sufferer's Guide To Prilosec Otc Heartburn Remedies And More
All too familiar with the burning sensation in your chest that comes after a hearty meal? Prilosec OTC heartburn guide helps manage your frequent heartburn.*
†IQVIA ProVoiceTM Survey Jan 2005 – Mar 2021.
* Zero heartburn is possible with Prilosec OTC. Not for immediate relief. Take one pill per day as directed to treat frequent heartburn. May take 1 to 4 days for full effect. Do not take for more than 14 days or more often than every 4 months unless directed by a doctor. Use as directed.
** PG Calculation based in part on Buying Households reported by the Nielsen Company through its Homescan Panel service in the US for Prilosec OTC for the period of 8/31/03 through 6/25/16