The Frequent Heartburn Sufferer's Guide To Prilosec Otc Heartburn Remedies And More

All too familiar with the burning sensation in your chest that comes after a hearty meal? Prilosec OTC heartburn guide helps manage your frequent heartburn.*

Prilosec OTC :

Treat Heartburn at the Source with Omeprazole

Prilosec OTC's active ingredient, omeprazole, binds to proton pumps in the stomach & slows down acid production. As a delayed-release tablet, Prilosec OTC stops heartburn before it starts with 1 pill a day for 24 hour relief.* Read more about why you should choose Prilosec OTC to treat your frequent heartburn symptoms.

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You don't have to suffer day and night with frequent heartburn. Hear from Prilosec OTC users and how their lives have changed treating their frequent heartburn.

Why Prilosec OTC Works For Portia
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Why Prilosec OTC Works For Portia │ Prilosec OTC
Portia suffered from frequent heartburn and couldn't sleep, enjoy her vacations with her husband or the meals they ate together. Trying Prilosec OTC was a game changer for Portia, who is now able to sleep through the night and enjoy the foods she loves.*

Why Prilosec OTC Works for CeCe | Prilosec OTC
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Why Prilosec OTC Works for CeCe | Prilosec OTC
See what CeCe has to say about Prilosec OTC.

Why Prilosec OTC Works for Lee | Prilosec OTC
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Why Prilosec OTC Works for Lee | Prilosec OTC
See what Lee has to say about Prilosec OTC.

Why Prilosec OTC Works for Jennifer | Prilosec OTC
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Why Prilosec OTC Works for Jennifer | Prilosec OTC
See what Jennifer has to say about Prilosec OTC.

Why Prilosec OTC Works for Scott | Prilosec OTC
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Why Prilosec OTC Works for Scott | Prilosec OTC
Scott started suffering from frequent heartburn in his late-teens. After years of suffering, he finally decided to go to his Doctor, who recommended Prilosec OTC. Since taking Prilosec OTC, Scott's life has returned back to normal and he can live comfortably, doing the things he previously enjoyed.

Why Prilosec OTC Works for Heather | Prilosec OTC
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Why Prilosec OTC Works for Heather | Prilosec OTC
Heather tried several heartburn remedies, both natural and medicinal. Once she discovered that a close family member was taking Prilosec OTC, she thought she'd give it a try! Now, she's able to play with her kids and live without the feelings of isolation and loneliness that she experienced while having frequent heartburn.

Lifestyle Tips for Frequent Heartburn Management

Making changes to your diet or lifestyle can help you determine what's triggering your frequent heartburn symptoms. Find out what changes you can make in your everyday life to help manage your heartburn.

Heartburn 101

Heartburn is when stomach acid travels up into the esophagus, making you feel a burning sensation in the center of your chest behind the breastbone. Learn more about heartburn and how you can treat it at its source with Prilosec OTC.

†IQVIA ProVoiceTM Survey Jan 2005 – Mar 2021.

  • Zero heartburn is possible with Prilosec OTC. Not for immediate relief. Take one pill per day as directed to treat frequent heartburn. May take 1 to 4 days for full effect. Do not take for more than 14 days or more often than every 4 months unless directed by a doctor. Use as directed.

** PG Calculation based in part on Buying Households reported by the Nielsen Company through its Homescan Panel service in the US for Prilosec OTC for the period of 8/31/03 through 6/25/16